Hershey Kisses – Shop Online Chocolate Boxes & Hampers:
Hershey’s kisses chocolates are recognized the world over by their distinctive conical shape of bright-colored foil wrappers topped with a paper plume, and of course, their great taste. Since their first manufacture in 1907, the quality and value of bite-sized chocolate kisses have endured–kisses chocolates are as popular today as when they first appeared. These treats are perfect as stocking stuffers at Christmas, party favors filling during Valentine’s Day, trick-or-treat candy at Halloween, and basket sweets on Easter. Just don’t forget to hang onto a few bite-size milk chocolates to include in your movie night snack selection and on-the-go trips. Try them chilled, on top of baked desserts, and, of course, straight from the wrapper — any choice is a route straight to delicious!
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